Question by Lake: US people are not told the truth about the health care system in the UK (?)?
Claims by US conservatives about the NHS and how President Barack Obama?s health care reforms will be bad for America have been rebutted in Britain.
Allegation: NHS patients over 59 years of age cannot receive heart repairs, stents or bypasses.
Response: A national audit on cardiac surgery showed that one in five of all patients was aged over 75.
Allegation: Ted Kennedy, 77, would not be treated for his brain tumour in Britain because he was too old.
Response: ?The NHS provides health services on the basis of clinical need irrespective of age,? said a Department of Health spokesman.
Urbanitejewelry, an American in Britain, wrote: ?I?m an american in the UK. Had a bad health scare a few months back and was well taken care of, no money involved. incredible.?
Best answer:
Answer by Chibi ? thulhu
i like the one which said if stephen hawkings was born in the uk he wouldn?t be alive good thing he was born in the *drumroll* uk
the uk papers are actually quite critical of the nhs where it is actually due and praise too, unlike americans who ignorantly deny that something is wrong
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